Well, things are starting to look good around here. Boxes are disappearing like an endangered species. In my closet, however, boxes are still king. But that will change! I have to concentrate on the actual rooms for a week or so, putting up pictures, replacing three translucent plastic file boxes (of different sizes, like papa, mama, and baby bear) with a swell "wooden" file cabinet of only two drawers, meaning it doesn't tower over anything. It's shorter than the desk.
I performed this miracle of economy (of space) by throwing out a thousand papers! Did I need my receipts, bills, applications, job detritus from 2008 back? You bet I didn't. I find it hard to believe how long I can put these things off. My therapist has shown me that I have mistaken my "stuff" for my self. But now that I'm in a smaller space, I can no longer sustain that illusion! And it's just as well.
Very soon now (which is to say tomorrow) I will send out invites to my housewarming and birthday party. I'll have a Facebook Event Page for the first time...when you're in Rome, eh?
I hope you enjoy the new blog cover photo - it's the view from my window on a beautiful day. Today was one just like that. And I'm happy to say that there will soon be room for company to enter and actually enjoy this as a comfortable space, fringed with wonders, with plenty of room to move around, and places to sit, etc. Gosh. I feel less like a recluse already. Hooray for progress. Until the morrow!
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Friday, September 6, 2013
Well, now I know why I have no comments. I tried to leave one myself - three times - and it will not take them! Why, oh why? I hope to figure it out later. Perhaps I'll look up "troubles with Blogger" and posting comments, etc. Hang in there!
Thursday, September 5, 2013
NEW ENTRY 9-6-2013
And on the
Seventh Day, I arose and was Resurrected unto the Internet. With 81 emails to peruse (Facebook
has no way for them to be sent in any kind of digest form, thanks so much) and he is liberated from his cave.
The Rock he rolled away was Fairpoint, and a heavy rock it was. Let me give you some idea – but first – let
me say that it is good to speak to you again, my “friends”. Most of all, to my Friends, darn it. That’s right.
The people with whom I’ve “had a face-to-face”.
[I cannot
stand these modern language quirks, changing slang which obscures and does not clarify. It is a source of great annoyance to an old
grouch to see phrases like “They’re taking a wait-and-see approach,” or “It’s a
win-win situation.” In the first case,
one would have said, “They’ll wait and see what happens.” In the second case, one would have said, “Everybody
wins.” Is that difficult? Thank you. “At this point in time” indeed –
what were we ever to think: at this point in space?]
It is as
Easter, and I have emerged from my Egg.
It’s been a
long time. I wanted to have this tirade
over with, because as I write this, the mighty Fairpoint boulder in my path still
will not budge. Every day I call them,
saying “where’s my service?” and they reply, “It will return to you at your new
address today or tonight.” So far, empty
words. But when they finally come
through, I’ll have this written so I can post it right away. I yearn to surf the Internet once more. I wouldn’t mind having my fucking phone back
Let me fill
you in, my Friends and “friends”. I knew
I was to leave my old place by Thursday August 29th, so that I could
clean the emptied apartment on the 30th, and have the landlord
inspect it on the 31st, and on September1st I’d never return to my
old place. Thursday was the day to get
everything (furniture and boxes) which were too large for me to carry alone in
my many car trips (about 15) throughout August.
(The System dictated that I pay rent on two apartments for one month, at
the same time. Ho ho. They engineered my solicitation of a Grant
from a community organization which rescued people with various housing emergencies.) I knew I’d better get going, because I had a
lot of Stuff. Too much stuff. So much stuff that I had to get rid of about
half of it to fit into my swell new apartment.
So for the entire month of August, I’ve been moving and doing little
else. Well, really nothing else except
eating and sleeping, and not too much of either.
My basement storage in the old house
(built 1900) was the size of a garage.
Many things had I stored there. Over
the dank years, books grew musty, and whatever would not fit into my apartment
would brood for years (8 in total) in stacks, rows and layers of boxes, five
gallon cans (long story), milk boxes (in case of flood), shovels and mops, the
landlord’s tools he never retrieved in all this time, and lots of stacked windows and doors (his). A charcoal barbecue on four legs, an extra
desk, an extra rocker (obviously left out in the rain a while, it was mostly
good for getting splinters – swell 1920s design though), a squirrel trap
(needed only once, thank goodness), a cat-carrier with the handle broken off
(convenient!), my bicycle and bike-rack, broken cinderblocks, about 500 copies
each of two of my CDs, hundreds of music magazines from decades past, important
issues of The Times (the passing of Frank Sinatra on page one, etc.), Interview,
much of my art from phases past (every submission, poster, and leftover from 13
issues of Big Fish (a literary magazine
my brother and I put out in the early 1990s); my drawings, collages, tiny sculptures
spot-welded in my spare time in a body-shop job in 1985 (long story there); and
my daughter’s boxes of personal items too heavy to travel with her on the plane
to Cleveland, Tennessee last year.
Lastly, a half dozen large boxes of
sentimentalia left in my care by default from my parents’ Florida condo, which
my son Joseph and I disassembled and sent North after Dad split the scene in
early 2000. By default I mean: my
brothers wished for some items, my son wanted to drive their low-mileage Buick
Century back to Colorado, and I wanted a few things too. I had the moving company send them their
choices (Joseph of course drove his away), gave lots of furniture and dishes
and lamps away, and kept the rest to dispose of later. Are you sentimental? Are you a packrat? (Guilty.)
So – for this
move I had to make some really tough choices, knuckle down and bite the bullet,
get there somehow, and make lemonade out of life’s lemons. Actually I have been drinking a lot of
lemonade these days, since cider is out of season for a while. And a lot of this August move was during a
heat wave. (Newman’s is on sale at Shaw’s – must go tomorrow, last day of sale.)
interestingly, I feel as if the Old me packed the boxes, and the New me has to
unpack them. I must say – what a
jerk. Would you look at the junk this
guy saved? And this is after his making “tough
choices”! What a wimp. Many many more things are going. I’ve got it up to here, people.
There’s a table down in the
community room, off the laundry room, where items are displayed for Free, and those
who wish take them. My unused sleeping
bag (long story) only stayed about 5 minutes.
Curtains, tapes, CDs, a fancy hatbox holding a top-heavy glass bowl my
insane ex-girlfriend left in a cupboard (perhaps that’s a bit harsh). I certainly made my own mistakes in that affair
– but I never brought 30 pounds of chicken feed to an apartment with no
chickens, in case I ever had chickens again during my lifetime.
AS I was
saying, I knew I had to take the Furniture and bed and all, and start sleeping
at the new apartment, my magnificent Palace of Boxes, on August 29th. So I called my dear DSL, Fairpoint, and asked
them to switch me over on Friday the 30th. I had to take the computer apart and put it
in boxes on the 28th, but I knew, or thought I did, that it could be
up and running at the new place the following day. I might not be able to re-assemble it until
the 31st, but I did have to box it on the 28th, so I
called Fairpoint up and asked about Saturday the 30th. They said that if they didn’t do it on
Friday, (because of the holiday weekend), it would have to wait until Tuesday,
so I said, “Okay, do it on Friday!” and they said, “Okay, Friday it is!” We each wrote it down. (I thought.)
On Friday, I
picked up the phone to call my brother. He’d
helped me move the previous day. I had 3 excellent helpers (Bob, Peter and
Kevin, my trinity of brains and brawn) with a U-Haul 14 footer. I will tell you of them, and moving day, next
post. $90 plus tips, basically –
astoundingly cheap, as befits a fellow like me who is astoundingly cheap. But every number I called resulted in a timid,
quietly recorded English as a second-language message saying “outgoing calls
cannot be made from this telephone.”
Then another louder and more assured voice would say, “This is
Fairpoint.” And then the robot would ponderously
announce the choice of buttons to press.
Then, “Is this in regards to (previous tenant’s number)? If yes, press one, if no press two.” I faithfully pressed two. It then asked what number I was asking about,
and I told it.
After an eternity on Hold, I spoke
with a woman who told me that the phone was scheduled to be installed at my new
address next Tuesday. “What?” I politely
shouted. I explained that we had agreed
on Friday. She replied that the form she
was reading said Tuesday. I was taken
aback. When, after several such calls, I
asked to speak to a supervisor, I returned to Hold Limbo and was finally
rewarded with a fellow who seemed to have even less to say. He wasn’t sorry, he offered no
suggestions. I then grew hot, and demanded
their mistake be fixed as soon as possible.
I wanted credit for the missing days of service, and to speak to someone
who wanted to help. He had nothing to
say. I said, “Well, let me speak to the
President.” He hung up on me.
I guess it was my fault – I used
the word “goddam”. I think that
qualified as “clerk abuse” and got him out of the conversation on a
technicality. Poor lad - after all, it
wasn’t his fault. In addition, he was in
no position to help. He was also in no
position to express that he was sorry, which was infuriating. But, no one cared. Some say Customer Service is a thing of the
past, but they still call themselves that.
The next time
I called, I was assured that service would resume on Tuesday. I was told I could then find someone to
complain to, and to converse with about their truly unacceptable mistake.
Tuesday came
and went. I write this on Wednesday; it
too has come and gone. I called
Fairpoint early this morning on the (thank god) free phone for tenants’ use off
the community kitchen in the basement.
After traveling through Hold Limbo once again, and the tedious selection
of generic choices, I spoke with a human.
She assured me that the Dispatcher had re-assigned my re-connection to a
service person, who would come today and flip a switch in the basement(!). It could happen anytime up to 5:00 PM – in
fact, service might not resume until as late as midnight. (I hoped they didn’t enforce such long hours
on their people – my son is a Comcast serviceman in Denver, and he has told me
some real Stories.)
It is now
11:06 PM, and I do not have phone or internet service. I write this in anticipation of the inevitable
re-connection of my phone and internet. When I do get them, which I pray will
be no later than tomorrow, I shall post this on my blog and put a link to it on
Facebook for all my faces to see. I will
have returned from the dead. (I will
still be Jewish, though.)
In the
morning, I will call them again. Again,
both the customer service person and I will tsk together, and wonder how things
went so awry. And then, when finally I
am online again, I can go to the Fairpoint website and attempt, from this
remote outpost, to rip them a new one.
In the
meantime, I have been unpacking, rethinking, judging distances for the wires I
feel I should not have to buy. When I
switched to Fairpoint from Comcast, the wires were already installed at the old
place. But, they said that if they had
to “set foot” in my apartment they would charge $99. I’m sure they’re considering that a Service,
but somehow I feel I have been dealt a Disservice.
I must add
though, in conclusion, that it may have been a blessing in disguise (an ugly
one) because I have had much more time to unpack and become the new Me on my
little isolated island. Soon, I will
rejoin the mainland. It will be good to
be back in the World.
How have you
all been?
Well, it is
now Thursday night. This afternoon, an
intelligent, charming, competent service-man knocked on my door. I greeted him, and asked, “Is this going to
cost $99?” “As soon as I step in,” he
said, and smiled. Then he said no, it
wouldn’t cost anything. He came in, and
marveled at how complex the situation is here: the phone jack is nowhere near
an outlet, and these days a landline consists of a charger and a handset, so
the phone jack needs to be somewhere near an electrical outlet. Here, that is not the case. I had to buy a 50 foot wire at Radio Shack to
string around the kitchen, up and down the opposite wall to where the modem
would be. We shook our heads in
disbelief. I had to use a ten foot wire
for the phone, in order to reach an outlet for the charger, also.
He went about
his business, just as if I’d paid $100 for the hour it took him to get me
connected again. We both knew that it
was not an extra service, because without that visit there would be no service
here. He was a very nice guy. When he left, I had my 81 new emails and my
telephone. Just this morning, my brother
Ken had come by to see if I was okay – they hadn’t heard from me in days. Imagine!
That was nice of him, and he came up, and I showed him my new
place. Now both brothers have been here. Nice place – all agree.
I hear the
chimes of midnight. That means I must
leave you. Goodnight, dear
Friends (and strangers). Why don’t you leave a
comment? or “Follow” me. My blog has been read over 1000 times, but I have no followers or
comments. I guess I just don’t Have
It. But thanks for coming, and my next post
will tell of moving day. I took pictures
of the empty, cleaned previous apartment in the late afternoon sun of last Saturday…dreamy.
But, not as
dreamy as this place will be once I throw out about 4 cubic yards of memorabilia
and irrelevant items of sentimental attachment.
Yellowing New Yorker cartoons from decades past? Please. I need room to move, to stretch out,
to pace, to have people over, to gaze out the windows lost in thought, to build a new life in
the here and now. But, as I said, it’s
New Charlie.
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