Well, things are starting to look good around here. Boxes are disappearing like an endangered species. In my closet, however, boxes are still king. But that will change! I have to concentrate on the actual rooms for a week or so, putting up pictures, replacing three translucent plastic file boxes (of different sizes, like papa, mama, and baby bear) with a swell "wooden" file cabinet of only two drawers, meaning it doesn't tower over anything. It's shorter than the desk.
I performed this miracle of economy (of space) by throwing out a thousand papers! Did I need my receipts, bills, applications, job detritus from 2008 back? You bet I didn't. I find it hard to believe how long I can put these things off. My therapist has shown me that I have mistaken my "stuff" for my self. But now that I'm in a smaller space, I can no longer sustain that illusion! And it's just as well.
Very soon now (which is to say tomorrow) I will send out invites to my housewarming and birthday party. I'll have a Facebook Event Page for the first time...when you're in Rome, eh?
I hope you enjoy the new blog cover photo - it's the view from my window on a beautiful day. Today was one just like that. And I'm happy to say that there will soon be room for company to enter and actually enjoy this as a comfortable space, fringed with wonders, with plenty of room to move around, and places to sit, etc. Gosh. I feel less like a recluse already. Hooray for progress. Until the morrow!
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